Crystal Ball

When I dug back into this blog, I found a box buried under a pile of clothes marked Drafts. It's stuffed with old posts that I started but never finished.

I must confess to being surprised at the vast number of them, and the quality of what I did. I'm not sure why I never finished them, but I am impressed by the sheer laziness of not doing so.

My slacking skills are without peer.

This one caught my eye this morning. I'm unsure why I never published it, but I think I did pretty good. This draft is from 11/16/2017. It doesn't have a great ending, but I'm just publishing it as is, without any polish.



Crystal Ball

So here's what I see in our immediate future:

**The hard won rights of LGBT people will be rolled back. 
Folks that are married now probably won't have those marriages declared void, but it will probably stop being the law of the land. Oh, the big companies like Disney won't change anything, but the little baker up the street won't have to bake that cake for the homos anymore if he doesn't want to, thus Making America Great Again!

**Those pesky Job Killing Regulations will be removed
Drill, baby drill! Fuck that Spectacled Brown Titmouse and his habitat. We need to drill for oil and build new pipelines. We don't need OSHA, the FDA. the EPA, or any of those acronyms. All they do is get in the way of Making America Great Again.

**We'll stop paying and ask NATO to split the tab
Trump wants to either pull out of NATO, or make them pick up our tab. I could do an entire post on how ridiculous and stupid this is, but the bottom line is that we keep our troops in these countries not to protect them, but to protect us. If war breaks out in Europe, we're already there. Deploying an army is not something you do at the drop of a hat. The money we spend maintaining these bases is for our own security. Back when America Was Great, we didn't have these bases but they sure would have come in handy a couple of times, don't ya think?

**The New Deal
Trump believes that the USA has been getting the short end of the stick because no one but him knows how to negotiate a deal. So we can look forward to our president trying to re-open deals and agreements that are already in place. Does anyone think that other countries will make agreements with us if the know that every 4 or 8 years a new POTUS will want to add his mark so he can Make America Great Again?

**Tinfoil Hats
A large contingent of Trump's message was to the tinfoil hat crowd. You know, the ones who take pictures of contrails, think that Obama is a Muslim. or that Hillary killed a bunch of people in Benghazi? The ones who think that the Illuminati has infiltrated the bowling league, and they need to take an AR-15 over their shoulder when they go to Wal-Mart to buy the latest issue of the National Enquirer? Yeah, they're going to feel validated. Not because Trump said or did anything to encourage him, but rather because he didn't do anything to discourage them. This is how we Make America Great Again

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