Back in the Saddle

After a long hiatus I've decided to start blogging again. I'm still writing under my pen name, but this time I won't be keeping it hidden. In the past, I thought that my blog would be a private place for my thoughts, but I now realize what a stupid notion that is. Nothing is really private on the internet.

But where to start?

Blogging is a very interactive thing.  I used to get most of my blog fodder from surfing other blogs.  Often times I'd start to comment someplace, realize I was well on my way to a post, and then I'd go from there.

But I don't surf blogs any more.

Oh, I check in on the blogs I've been reading, but I'm not really finding anything new out there.  I'm visiting the same people, who are also not really surfing any more.  Some of them seem to have given it up altogether.

The main culprit is Facebook.  The time I used to spend blogsurfing is now taken up with hanging out on Facebook. Facebook is fine for keeping up with people I know, but other than one or two notes I wrote I censor my self when I write on Facebook in ways that I don't when I blog.

Blogging is--in theory--a way for me to communicate with the world at large and not just limit myself to my circle of friends on Facebook. I try to keep my privacy settings pretty tight there.

So I'm re-opening the Brokedown Palace. It's kind of dusty in here so bear with me while I tidy it up a bit.
